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Active and Passive Sports Participation
Depending on the research findings, it can be stated that Turkish people don’t sports regularly, although
they have an average of 3-5 hours of free time per day, they don’t actively participate in sports activities.
When we look at the forms of leisure time, it is seen that Turkish people spend the most time on the
computer and watching television in their daily life. It can be thought that the main reason for this is the
social perception of sport culture that has not yet settled as a behavior.
Researchers stated that household characteristics are very effective in determining the sports participation
profile. These features are; variables such as having children, age, gender and marital status. It can be said
that men are more interested in sports than women. It has been observed that sports participation
decreases with increasing age, married individuals do less sports than unmarried people. Lifestyle factors
are also very important determinants of sports participation and duration.
Men in terms of both active and passive participation in sports; participate more than women. The reasons
for this difference; It can be thought that women take more responsibility in daily life than men and cannot
manage their free time. These responsibilities are; childcare, having school-age children in the family and
spending more time on housework.
In sports participation, it has been observed that married people do less sports than unmarried people, and
lifestyle factors determine active and passive participation and duration in sports at a very significant rate.
The main reasons underlying the difference in participation in sports between married and single people
are; the fact that single individuals have free time to spare for themselves and be more free in these leisure
time activities and to manage their own income and time allocation based on their income. The most
demanded sports branch as a passive participant is football. The share of football in both Turkish media
and social life can be considered as the main reason for this result.