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Examination of Adults' Leisure Constraints, Social Inclusion and Life
           Satisfaction: Perspectives from Five European Countries

      Physical activities, which are expressed as bodily movements that result in higher energy expenditure
      than the lowest levels for any physiological function, are expressed as a kind of leisure time activity.
      Physiological, psychological and social benefits of regularly participating in physical activity in leisure time
      are among the topics that are frequently discussed in the literature (Andrade et al., 2019; Zhao et al.,
      2019). On the other hand, it is known that insufficient participation in physical activity plays an active role
      in some problems such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, cancer and not being satisfied with life (Huang
      et al., 2021). According to the researches, although the positive effects of participating in physical activity
      as a recreational activity or the negative effects of not participating are known, it can be stated that
      individuals living in many countries of the world, especially in European countries, do not participate in
      daily physical activity at the recommended level (Mayo et al., 2019).
      It is understood from the studies in the literature that it is examined within the scope of "Hierarchical
      Leisure Barriers Theory" that prevents or restricts the participation of individuals in leisure time
      activities. According to this theory, the factors that prevent individuals from participating in physical
      activity and other leisure time activities in their daily lives are evaluated in three categories as personal,
      interpersonal and structural factors (Godbey, Crawford & Shen, 2010). In the study conducted by
      Moreno-Llamas, García-Mayor and De la Cruz-Sánchez (2020) with the participation of 28 European
      Union countries, it was found that the main factors that prevent individuals from participating in leisure
      activities are the expensiveness of the activities and the fear of injury. It has been stated that these
      barriers are mostly valid for low and middle social class groups.

      One of the negative situations caused by the barriers to participation in leisure activities is related to the
      level of social inclusion. Duhaime et al. (2004) defines social inclusion as a measure of an individual's
      availability of appropriate opportunities and resources to access a variety of material, social and emotional
      networks. It is a known fact that social inclusion plays a key role in increasing mental health and life
      satisfaction (Wright & Stickley, 2013). For example, the results of the recent study by Chen and Liu (2020)
      are closely related to the rationale for our study. In this study, it was concluded that increasing the
      participation of the society in physical activity increases social inclusion and plays an active role in
      promoting health.

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