Page 15 - seminars
P. 15


      ). It is the ability of a person to take in sufficient and balanced amounts of nutrients necessary for growth,
      development and to live a healthy and productive life for a long time and use them in the body. In order to
      maintain a healthy life, the energy consumed and the energy consumed must be kept in balance. Adipose
      tissue constitutes 15-18% of body weight in adult men and 20-25% in women. If this rate is over 25% in
      men and over 30% in women, obesity constitutes. If the energy taken daily is more than the energy spent,
      the energy that cannot be spent is stored as fat in the body and causes obesity. Including overweight and
      obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases (coronary artery disease), certain
      types of cancer (gall bladder, endometrium, ovarian and breast cancers in women, colon and prostate
      cancers in men) and musculoskeletal problems are important risk factors for a number of diseases,
      including with the COVID-19 epidemic, millions of people have been affected and disrupted daily physical
      activity activities due to mandatory measures such as social isolation, home quarantine process, and
      curfew (Hüseyin et al., 2020). Adverse risk factors have begun to emerge during the COVID-19 pandemic
      process. In this context, it is important to stay away from risk factors and to strengthen the immune
      system, in short, to exhibit a healthy lifestyle behavior. In addition, prevention of obesity is of great
      importance in this period. Exercise and physical activity therapy play an important role in the treatment of
      obesity and similar chronic problems. Studies show that regular physical activity and participation in
      exercise play an important role in weight control. Physical inactivity (lack of physical activity) has also been
      identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality (6% of death globally). As it is known, regular
      physical activity and exercise improve the physical fitness of individuals (aerobic fitness, muscular fitness,
      flexibility and body composition) and thus support a healthy lifestyle. However, exercise must have certain
      standards in order to minimize the risks of COVID-19 as well as chronic diseases such as a sedentary life,
      coronary artery diseases, hypertension, obesity, type II diabetes, some cancer types, osteoporosis and
      obesity. In our daily life, there are physical activity-exercise and sports applications that we perform
      actively or passively without realizing it. These practices should include dynamic and rhythmic movements
      involving large muscle groups. We can perform these practices sometimes consciously and sometimes
      unconsciously. Examples of such activities are activities such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming,
      squatting, arm-leg movements, head-body movements. We can realize these sometimes in a planned and
      sometimes in a part of our daily life. Such applications should be done between 3-5 days a week and 20-60
      minutes a day in order to get an improvement from the exercise program in individuals, and it would be
      appropriate for the exercise intensity to be between 55 and 70% of the maximum heart rate in order to
      achieve improvement. The exercise program should also include exercises that develop muscular fitness
      and flexibility.

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